In response to a growing number of reports of sexual misconduct on transit, King County Metro has launched the Report it to Stop it campaign to connect riders to important resources.
The University is committed to your safety whenever you ride on a UW Shuttle, park in a UW facility or use other transportation services.
In urgent situations, always call 911. You have the right to report sexual misconduct to the University , to the police , to both or not at all. After you are safe, you can report an incident and find more support services at:
UW Seattle: 206-685-SAFE (7233)
UW Bothell: 425-352-SAFE (7233)
UW Tacoma: 253-692-SAFE (7233)
The University of Washington also provides access to confidential advocates for all UW campuses. Additional UW resources on sexual assault can be found online.
Our highest crime on campus is theft — mostly of unattended or improperly secured items. When parking on campus, always remove your valuables and lock your doors. Love your stuff? Keep it safe, secured and out of sight.
UW Shuttles passenger safety
Tips for passengers
If you have a problem on a UW shuttle, i.e. harassment, inappropriate or disruptive behavior, tell the driver immediately. Give a description of the disruptive individual, explain what is happening and how it makes you feel.
Please remember that safety and security problems are treated with higher priority. See ‘Role of the Driver’ below for more information on the decision-making process that drivers follow when responding to problems.
If situations prevent you from alerting the driver and you feel intimated or threatened or observe a crime being committed or a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 to report the problem when it’s safe to do so.
BE PREPARED to give bus information i.e. Health Sciences Express, South Lake Union shuttle etc. the direction the bus is traveling, as well as the next stop location. The coach number also helps identify the bus. Inside the bus, the coach number is located directly above the driver. On the outside of the bus, the number is located on the outer corner and is a three digit number.
Role of the driver
The bus driver’s primary job is to operate the bus safely. If problems arise on the bus, the bus driver’s first priority is to determine if a passenger’s safety or security is at stake. The driver will assess the severity of the problem and resources available, and respond accordingly. The driver can radio a verbal code which will dispatch UW security or the Seattle police.
The bus driver, at his/her discretion, may choose to talk to the passenger, request the passenger exit the bus, call for assistance, or take no immediate action. In the case of minor infractions of the code of conduct (posted inside of buses) the UW Shuttles general guideline for the driver would be to continue on the route rather than inconvenience other riders by delaying service.
Keep in mind, the role of the bus driver is that of a peacekeeper, not an enforcer. Enforcement of the code of conduct is handled through a network of professionals that can be called upon by the driver, if and when needed.
Repairs and road maintenance
Campus roadways or parking lots
If you see a maintenance problem on our campus roadways or parking lots, please let us know by submitting a service request online or by contacting our Customer Care team at 206-685-1900.
For problems near the UW Medical Center, please contact their Facilities team at 206-598-4911.
If you wish to reach Transportation Maintenance during normal business hours, please call Transportation Services at 206-221-3701 or .
City of Seattle sidewalks or roadways
You can report a City of Seattle sidewalk or roadway maintenance issue using the city’s Find It Fix It app . You can also call 206-684-ROAD (7623) or email .