Event organizers can arrange to pay for parking and have it billed to an invoice or a UW payment worktag. Arranged parking is unavailable in the UW Medical Surgery Pavilion Garage.
Arranged parking form
Permit type | Rate |
Pre-arranged visitor parking | $20.25 daily |
Single-use reserved stall This cost is in addition to the price of parking. A separate valid parking permit must be displayed. Space reserved with a sign and traffic cone. |
$20.25 daily |
Coupon codes Valid in self-serve parking lots. Not valid in Central Plaza Garage, Triangle Garage or Surgery Pavilion Garage. |
$5.00 hourly, $20.30 daily, $6.75 after 4 p.m. on weeknights or on Saturday until noon |
Visitors who arrive on campus with arranged parking will either have been given a Unique Identification Number or a Coupon Code. Visitors issued a number should stop at a gatehouse upon arriving at campus and give the gate attendant the number issued to them. The attendant will then enter the visitor’s vehicle license plate information into the parking system and direct the visitor to the appropriate lot.
If visitors have been given a coupon code, they may drive directly to any self-serve parking lot and enter the coupon code in a pay machine.

Event organizers can also pay an additional fee to reserve a specific stall. Reserved signage and a cone to block the space will be set up either the night before or morning of the event. Guests with a single-use reserved stall should first stop at the gatehouse to have their vehicle license plate information entered into the parking system. They should then drive to the designated parking lot, locate the coned-off stall and park after moving the cone.
For more information about returning arranged parking products, review our return and refund policy. For any questions about arranged parking, please call 206-616-8710.