four happy students in a car carpooling together

Carpooling is a flexible, cost-saving commute option. You can carpool all the time or occasionally as a supplement to the way you regularly commute.

Faculty and staff who commit to carpooling at least three days a week can obtain a quarterly or annual carpool permit to park on campus. These permits are assigned to a specific lot and are usable seven days a week. Included in the price is a free U-PASS for up to four members of the carpool. Students may participate in an organized carpool provided at least one member of the carpool group is an active faculty or staff member.

Permit type Rate*
Carpool driver/rider permit - 2-person $295.20 quarterly, $1,180.80 yearly
Carpool driver/rider permit - 3-person $196.80 quarterly, $787.20 yearly
Carpool driver/rider permit - 4-person $147.60 quarterly, $590.40 yearly
* Rates listed are per person. At least one carpool member must be faculty or staff. U-PASS available.

Carpool permits must be initially purchased in person at the Transportation Services office. Drivers and riders each purchase their own carpool permits, with the cost split evenly. A valid vehicle registration is required for the carpool drivers permit.

After initially registering and purchasing your carpool permit in person, carpool permits may be renewed on the online customer portal. All drivers and riders must renew their own individual permits (online or in person) before they expire or else all carpool-related permits for the group will be deactivated. In addition to being able to renew online, drivers may also manage their linked vehicles online.

Do you prefer to take things day by day?

Impromptu carpooling is a flexible way to manage your commute. Stop by a gatehouse, show a valid Husky Card and our staff will provide you with a coupon code to use at a pay machine in one of our self-serve parking lots. These coupon codes are single-use only and expire at 8 a.m. the day after issuance. Space availability in lots is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is not guaranteed.

Permit type Rate
Impromptu carpool

A coupon code provided for carpoolers to use at self-serve parking lot. The daily cost is $9.00 for a vehicle of 2 or more people.

$9.00 daily

Interested, but not sure where to start?

Look for colleagues to share a ride by printing a “riders wanted” sign (pdf) and post it in your office break room.