students walking to class with Drumheller Fountain and trees with autumn colored leaves in the background

If you’ve been to campus, then you’re no stranger to walking at the University of Washington. With its network of pathways, amazing views and historic landmarks, walking is by far the most popular way to get around. It’s also a great (and green) way to commute, with 28% of people walking to the UW each day.

Plan your route

Just because a route works well for cars or buses doesn’t mean it’s the most convenient or comfortable when you’re traveling on foot. Here are four places to start your research:

  • The Burke-Gilman Trail is the region’s premier multi-use trail; it offers a pathway under I-5 separate from car traffic and connects to a number of area attractions including Husky Stadium, the UW Medical Center and University Village.
  • The U-District and North Capitol Hill Walking Map includes information about pedestrian paths as well as transit, services and landmarks.
  • Walking to class from a residence hall or other nearby housing? Find your destination on the UW Campus Map. You may also find our Access guide helpful.
  • Finally, don’t forget about your favorite online map sites or apps. Google, Apple, MapQuest and many others provide walking directions, though some are in beta. You may also need to change your default settings.

Other resources you may find useful include pedestrian advocacy program Feet First, and the pedestrian program pages from the City of Seattle and the State of Washington.

Also, don’t forget to practice good safety habits when walking around campus. Look both ways before crossing a road and do not jaywalk.