Courtesy parking

Complimentary parking is available to members of the press and government employees on official business. Drivers must stop at a gatehouse first to acquire the correct permit and be directed to an appropriate parking lot.

  • The Media and press permit is for individuals on campus for press-related reasons. Drivers of unmarked press vehicles must provide acceptable ID, such as press credentials or a business card with photo ID.
  • The Official permit is for utility meter readers and other city, county or state officials making inspections in marked vehicles, as well as law enforcement officers and mortuary vehicles on official business. Those arriving in unmarked vehicles will be asked to provide ID. Drivers using rental vehicles as university vehicles may also receive this permit after presenting a UW Fleet Services rental agreement.

Loading/unloading in marked load zones for the posted time limit is allowed. “Truck Load Only” spaces are for vehicles with commercial license plates only. Do not stop, stand or obstruct traffic or pedestrian movement on any street, plaza or sidewalk.

Vendor parking

A vendor or supplier with a master contract, term or service maintenance contract with the University may apply for a Service permit valid for up to a one-year period. Download the application form (pdf) and then submit the completed form to UW Procurement Services at or to the Procurement Services Contract Manager who manages the contract.

Once approved, vendors purchase a Service permit from the Transportation Services office.

Permit type Rate
Service permit

For use by vendors and other non-UW affiliates. Requires approval.

$262.00 monthly

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