Customers may return parking permits or other transportation products for a refund of future days paid, based on when the Transportation Services office is able to process the request. Refunds are not available for same-day purchases, including those requested due to unexpected schedule changes . Customers are responsible for the payment of all permit or transportation product fees until they receive confirmation from Transportation Services that their permit is canceled or until it expires.
Returns cannot be requested or processed using the customer portal. Customers must contact Transportation Services by email ( ) or by phone (206-221-3701) for assistance with returns and refunds. Customers may also request refunds in person.
If you have elected payroll deductions as your method of payment and wish to stop deductions, you must email Transportation Services to cancel the product and submit a written request via email of the cancellation. If you received a complimentary U-PASS with your permit, it will be canceled at the same time you cancel your parking permit. (You may still purchase a U-PASS separately).
If you initially paid by payroll deduction, your refund will be processed through payroll. If you did not pay by payroll deduction, your refund method may be by check or card and will be confirmed with you before your refund is processed. Please note that check refund amounts of $100 or more will take 4-6 weeks to process.
Specific product information
Daily permits
Customers can return Daily permits up to the day before they are active, but only for future days paid. Daily permits cannot be returned for the same date or any past dates.
Bike lockers
Please review the Refund and Key Deposit information in the Bike Locker Terms and Conditions .
Carpool Club
Carpool Club hang tags must be returned when a carpool disbands and members are no longer Pay-per-use-parking (PPUP) permit holders. Vehicles parked with a voided hangtag may be subject to citation.
Products with physical component (AVI card, Access card, physical hangtag)
If the permit you are returning is accompanied with a physical component (AVI card, Access card, physical hangtag), you must also return the physical component to Transportation Services to complete your return. Vehicles parked with voided materials may be subject to citation.
Arranged parking
No refunds will be given for arranged parking products that go unused. You must cancel your arranged parking product at least one business day before your scheduled event to avoid non-refundable charges.
Individual Commuter Tickets (ICTs) were discontinued in 2020. Remaining tickets were last valid for use on December 31, 2021. Refunds are no longer available.
U-PASS terms of use
As a U-PASS Program participant, I agree to the following:
I understand that in order to participate in the U-PASS Program and for the U-PASS function of my Husky Card to be active for use I must remain in compliance with U-PASS Program eligibility criteria. If I am an employee who is not eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS or a student not covered by the Universal Student U-PASS, I understand I must pay the U-PASS fees established by each campus. U-PASS Program eligibility and fees are specific to each campus program: Seattle , Bothell , Tacoma .
I will utilize the U-PASS function of my Husky Card in conjunction with the ORCA transit payment system for my personal transportation provided by participating transit agencies. I will not transfer my Husky Card or the U-PASS function of my Husky Card to any other person. I understand that my use of the U-PASS function of my Husky Card and any other ORCA products on my Husky Card may be remotely disabled/blocked from further use and my Husky Card may be subject to immediate confiscation if I misuse this benefit.
I understand that the U-PASS function of my Husky Card is valid for the following services:
Full fare for regular and paratransit transportation services provided by King County Metro, Sound Transit,
Community Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit, and Everett Transit; and
Other transportation discounts and offerings based upon my U-PASS membership as described in my campus’
U-PASS web page, available at: .
I understand that if I purchase a U-PASS as a University employee not eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, or as a student who is not eligible for Universal U-PASS, the U-PASS function of my Husky Card will not be ready for use for approximately 12-24 hours following purchase of my U-PASS membership. I understand that if I am eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, the U-PASS function of my Husky Card will not be ready for use for approximately 12-24 hours following UW Transportation Services notification of eligibility status. I understand that if I obtain a U-PASS through the Universal U-PASS program on the Seattle campus, the U-PASS function of my Husky Card will be ready for use approximately one (1) week prior to the start of the next quarter if I register for classes nine (9) or more days before the quarter start date or within approximately two (2) days if I register for classes less than nine (9) days before the quarter start date.
I understand that prior to or upon boarding the services outlined in section three (3) or entering a fare paid area, I am required to pay the posted fare with the U-PASS function of my Husky Card by tapping my Husky Card on an ORCA card reader. I understand that my failure to do this may subject me to a warning or fine from the applicable transit or law enforcement agency. I understand that Central Link Light Rail, Sounder, Rapid Ride and Swift services require that I present my Husky Card to any Fare Enforcement Officer who requests proof of payment. I understand that my Husky Card may be used for photo identification in addition to proof of payment. I also understand that I must tap my Husky Card on an ORCA reader after exiting a Central Link Light Rail or Sounder train, which ensures the appropriate fare is validated.
I understand that I am responsible for paying fares or fees for any services that I subscribe to or use that are not included in the U-PASS Program membership, including, but not limited to, Washington State Ferries service, InterCity Transit, and parking within UW parking facilities.
I understand that payment of the U-PASS membership fee does not guarantee a specific level of service provided by the transit agencies participating in the U-PASS Program. There will be no refunds of U-PASS fees in the event of routes being changed, reduced, or canceled.
I understand that I shall have only one active U-PASS Program membership. I understand it is my responsibility to cancel any current U-PASS before obtaining a new one for any reason, including but not limited to receipt of a fully subsidized U-PASS, and/or any change in UW status. If I am eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, I understand I am not eligible for any additional U-PASS such as a gratis U-PASS. If I do not cancel my current U-PASS before obtaining a new one, I understand I am responsible for any related fees and will not receive a refund.
I understand that the U-PASS function of my Husky Card does not include the same features as a standard ORCA card. Differences include, but are not limited to, the U-PASS function of my Husky Card does not have “Electronic Purse” capabilities and I cannot register my card in the ORCA system.
I will immediately report my lost or stolen Husky Card to the office that issues Husky Cards on my campus. I will immediately report my non-performing U-PASS function to my campus transportation office: Seattle , Bothell , Tacoma .
I understand that a replacement fee may be charged at the discretion of the office that issues Husky Cards at my campus for any replacement Husky Card issued to me. I understand that the U-PASS function of my Husky Card may not be activated for use for approximately 12-24 hours after the issuance of my replacement Husky Card or restored U-PASS function. I understand that I am entitled to no refund for any transit services utilized by me at any time the U-PASS function of my Husky Card is unavailable to me.
I understand that if I load additional ORCA products onto my Husky Card, I do so at my own risk. I understand that if I report my Husky Card as lost or stolen or I am no longer eligible for a Husky Card, the U-PASS function of my Husky Card will be disabled resulting in my U-PASS function being permanently blocked from use and potentially resulting in all other ORCA products being permanently blocked from use. I understand that no refunds or replacements will be issued by the University or by the ORCA Agencies for ORCA products I load onto my Husky Card if my card is lost, stolen, damaged or disabled.
I understand that I am bound by the terms outlined in the ORCA Privacy Statement and ORCA Terms of Use, as they apply to any ORCA functions and products that are available on my Husky Card. The ORCA Privacy Statement and ORCA Terms of Use are available at: . I understand that these documents may be updated periodically and the University will make a good faith effort to publicize changes as the University becomes aware of the changes.
I understand that the University will send only my ORCA card serial number from the U-PASS chip housed in my Husky Card to the transit agency clearing house to activate and deactivate the U-PASS function. The University will keep my U-PASS Program information private in accordance with the Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 2.2, University Privacy Policy, available at .
I understand that the ORCA system will record data each time I utilize the U-PASS function of my Husky Card. Data recorded when I present my U-PASS to an ORCA card reader device includes the date, time, route, transit agency ID, vehicle number, and nature of transaction. I understand that data owned by ORCA is accessible to the University of Washington and may be accessible to the public under state Public Records Law or by court order.
I understand that any U-PASS Program fees paid through payroll deduction will be automatically deducted each pay period unless I cancel my U-PASS membership. If I have insufficient funds to pay my U-PASS fee through payroll deduction, my U-PASS may be deactivated based on my campus’ U-PASS sales policies and I shall be responsible for any outstanding fee accrued. U-PASS sales policies are specific to each campus program and are available at: .
If I am an employee at UW Seattle who is not eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, I understand an email will be sent to the email address on file with Workday and/or my email address regarding the opportunity to renew my U-PASS or cancel my U-PASS membership annually. I understand if I pay my U-PASS fees through payroll deduction, I am responsible for making payments until I contact UW Transportation Services to request cancellation of my U-PASS and have payroll deductions stopped. I understand that a change in employment status does not constitute a cancellation of my U-PASS and that I am responsible for ensuring that my U-PASS is canceled if I separate from the UW or go on leave without pay.
If I am an employee at UW Seattle who is not eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, I understand that if I have insufficient funds to pay the U-PASS fee for three (3) consecutive payroll deductions, my U-PASS will be deactivated and I will need to bring my account out of arrears before my U-PASS can be reactivated. I understand that I am responsible for any outstanding balances accrued before my U-PASS is deactivated.
If I am an employee who is eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS, I understand that the U-PASS functionality of my Husky Card will be automatically turned on within 24-48 hours days of UW Transportation Services receiving notification of eligibility status. I understand that if I have previously paid for an employee U-PASS via payroll deductions, I must contact my campus Transportation Services office to have the deductions stopped. (This does not apply to those employees newly eligible for the fully subsidized U-PASS as of July 1, 2022, for whom payroll deductions will stop automatically and who do not need to contact their Transportations Services office separately.) I understand that if I do not contact my campus Transportation Services office to have payroll deductions canceled, they will continue even if I am eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS and I will not receive a refund. I understand that if my eligibility status changes for any reason, my U-PASS will be deactivated within one (1) day of the payday immediately following my status change, unless I sign up for an opt-in faculty/staff U-PASS and pay the requisite U-PASS fees.
If I am a UW Seattle or UW Tacoma student who obtained my U-PASS through payment of the Universal Student U-PASS Fee, a UW Seattle student who purchased my U-PASS through UW Educational Outreach, or a UW Bothell student who purchased a U-PASS, I understand my student U-PASS will be deactivated if I withdraw from classes. If I withdraw on or before the 7th calendar day of the quarter, my U-PASS will be deactivated and 100 percent of the U-PASS fee will be credited to my student account. If I withdraw on the 8th through the 30th calendar day of the quarter, my U-PASS will be deactivated and 50 percent of the U-PASS fee will be credited to my student account. If I withdraw on or after the 31st calendar day of the quarter, my U-PASS will be deactivated and I will receive no credit for the U-PASS fee on my student account. I understand I am responsible for paying any outstanding U-PASS fee owed even though my U-PASS has been deactivated.
If I am a UW employee or Seattle student who purchased a U-PASS on a quarterly basis via cash, check, credit card, or Husky Debit, (a quarterly U-PASS is not available via payroll deduction at all campuses), I understand that I will not receive a refund if I withdraw from enrollment or terminate employment with the University of Washington. I understand that in the event of my withdrawal from enrollment or termination of employment with the University my U-PASS purchased on a quarterly basis will remain active through the remainder of the U-PASS quarterly validity period.
I understand that these U-PASS Terms of Use may be modified or withdrawn from time to time. The University will make a good faith effort to provide timely notification of changes to U-PASS members.
Bike house terms and conditions
The University of Washington Transportation Services (UWTS) hereby leases to the undersigned Lessee (Customer) “Bike House” for one bicycle as designated below, on the following terms and conditions.
“BIKE HOUSE” RENTAL. Customer shall use the “Bike House” leased only for the storage of one bicycle at a time in a locked space that is shared by other bicycle users. Customer agrees to an annual lease term to access this space on a fiscal year cycle (July 1 to June 30). Payment made at other times of the year will be prorated to match the fiscal year. Current annual “Bike House” lease rates are available on the Transportation Services website .
“BIKE HOUSE” LEASE RENEWAL. UWTS will notify Customer of expiration before this Lease expires and provide instructions for renewal. Payment must be received at least five (5) business days prior to the expiration of this Lease. If there is no response, access to the “Bike House” will be revoked.
OBLIGATION TO KEEP CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATED. Customer shall keep their contact information updated with the University. Faculty and staff should update their contact information via Workday or their payroll coordinator. Students should update their contact information via MyUW at or the Address Change Telephone Service (206-543-8580).
REFUNDS. If Customer wishes to terminate the Lease before the end of the annual lease term, the Customer must notify UWTS. UWTS will refund Customer on a prorated basis of the annual rental fee.
WAIVER OF RESPONSIBILITY. It is mutually agreed that the UWTS is not and will not be held responsible for the safekeeping of Customer’s bicycle and any property contained in the “Bike House” assigned hereunder or for any damage arising out of the Customer’s use of the “Bike House” assigned. It is further agreed that Customer will make such arrangements regarding insurance coverage for the bicycle as Customer deems necessary to protect the Customer’s interests in the event of loss or damage. Customer further agrees to defend and hold UWTS harmless from damages resulting from Customer’s use of the “Bike House.”
In addition, it is mutually agreed that UWTS is not and will not be held responsible for any injuries arising out of Customer’s use of the “Bike House” assigned. It is further agreed that Customer will defend and hold UWTS harmless from injuries resulting from Customer’s use of the “Bike House.”
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Customer agrees to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and any special instructions that may be issued by UWTS or its agents concerning the “Bike House”. Customer will not maintain or store anything that may be dangerous to life, limb, or property or use the “Bike House” in such a way as to create a nuisance or disturbance. Customer agrees that UWTS or its agent may open and inspect Customer’s “Bike House” at any time, with or without notice to the Customer, for the purpose of observing Customer’s compliance with this agreement, or to determine whether any health or safety hazard exists.
CONDITIONS OF USE. Customer shall not reassign or transfer this Lease or any interest therein. Customer’s use of the “Bike House” is conditional upon (1) the Customer’s having an active UW student or employee ID number, (2) the Customer having an active Husky Card, and (3) the Customer not intentionally causing loss or damage to University of Washington property or the property of other Customers with access to the same “Bike House” area.
LONG TERM STORAGE PROHIBITED. The “Bike House” is provided to facilitate commute-related storage of bicycles and gear for bicycling. Customer agrees that their use of the “Bike House” is related to these purposes, and that any bike they choose to store in the cage will be regularly used. Racks are available on a first-come first-served basis, and reserving of racks by keeping a U-Lock secured without a bicycle present is strictly prohibited.
Per WAC 478-116-365, Bikes observed to be left for at least fourteen (14) consecutive days without moving will be tagged as potentially abandoned, and will be removed from the cage and impounded if the tag remains in place after two weeks. Bicycles will be released at specified times and upon presentation of proof of ownership and payment of a $10 fine. Bicycles unclaimed after sixty (60) consecutive days will be subject to sale at a public auction conducted by the University Surplus Property department.
In the “Bike House” facilities that provide personal storage lockers, customers are also encouraged to utilize the lockers for per-diem storage of personal belongings (e.g. a helmet) used on their commute. These lockers are not intended for storage lasting more than twelve (12) hours, and are provided on a first-come first-served basis. Reserving of lockers, such as leaving a lock on a locker when it is not being used, is strictly prohibited. If a locker is suspected of being reserved for long term use, or of being abandoned, a warning will be placed on the locker. If the warning remains in place after one week, the lock will be cut and all items will be removed and delivered to the HUB Lost and Found.
LEASE EXPIRATION/TERMINATION. If the lease expires and Customer does not renew, or if conditions of Customer’s use of the “Bike House” (Item 7) are not met, this Lease shall automatically terminate and Customer shall forfeit use of the locked space. This Lease may also be terminated by UWTS for the breach of any of the items and conditions herein. In the event of expiration or termination of the Lease, UWTS will take possession of any contents remaining within the “Bike House.”
The remedies provided herein are in addition to, and are not in lieu of, any other rights which UWTS may have against Customer. In the event UWTS is required to bring any action or proceeding for the enforcement of the Lease or the collection of any sums which may be due and payable by Customer to UWTS, Customer agrees to pay UWTS, in addition to any balance due, UWTS’s expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No modification or amendments of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties.
Code Agreement
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the code for the above “Bike House.” I understand that the code remains the property of the University of Washington. I agree not to release the code information to unauthorized persons or use it in a manner other than that for which it was issued. I take full responsibility for not sharing the code during the time it is assigned to me.
I will notify UW Transportation Services immediately upon termination of my current status as an employee or student of the University of Washington or upon termination of the lease, whichever occurs first.
Bike locker terms and conditions
The University of Washington Transportation Services (UWTS) hereby leases to the undersigned Lessee (Customer) bicycle locker space at UWTS’s bicycle locker facilities for one bicycle as designated below, on the following terms and conditions:
LOCKER RENTAL. Customer shall use the locker space so leased only for the storage of one bicycle and its accessories. Customer agrees to an annual lease term to access this space on a fiscal year cycle (July 1 to June 30). Payment made at other times of the year will be prorated to match the fiscal year. Current annual “Bike Locker” lease rates are available on the Transportation Services website .
LOCKER SPACE LEASE RENEWAL. UWTS will notify Customer of expiration before this Lease expires and provide instructions for renewal. Payment must be received at least five (5) business days prior to the expiration of this Lease. If Customer does not renew this Lease, Customer must remove all contents and notify UWTS at least five (5) business days prior to June 30. The contents of the locker space will be impounded as per procedures listed in this Lease upon expiration or termination of this Lease. Failure to return key upon termination of lease will result in forfeiture of the key deposit fee.
OBLIGATION TO KEEP CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATED. Customer shall keep their contact information updated with the University. Faculty and staff should update their contact information via Workday or their payroll coordinator. Students should update their contact information via MyUW at or the Address Change Telephone Service (206-543-8580).
REFUNDS. If Customer wishes to terminate the Lease before the end of the annual lease term, the Customer must notify UWTS and return the bicycle locker key. UWTS will refund Customer on a prorated basis of the annual rental fee and deposit fee if all conditions are met (see below).
WAIVER OF RESPONSIBILITY. It is mutually agreed that the UWTS is not and will not be held responsible for the safekeeping of Customer’s bicycle and any property contained in the locker space assigned hereunder or for any injury or damage arising out of Customer’s use of the locker space assigned. It is further agreed that Customer will make such arrangements regarding insurance coverage for the bicycle as Customer deems necessary to protect the Customer’s interests in the event of loss or damage. Customer further agrees to defend and hold UWTS harmless from any injury or damages resulting from Customer’s use of the locker.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Customer agrees to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and any special instructions that may be issued by UWTS or its agents concerning the locker space. Customer will not maintain or store anything that may be dangerous to life, limb, or property, or use the locker space in such a way as to create a nuisance or disturbance. Customer agrees that UWTS or its agent may open and inspect Customer’s locker space at any time, with or without notice to the Customer, for the purpose of observing Customer’s compliance with this agreement, or to determine whether any health or safety hazard exists.
CONDITIONS OF USE. Customer shall not reassign or transfer this Lease or any interest therein. Customer’s use of the locker space is conditional upon (1) the Customer’s using the locker space an average of three or more days per week throughout the year and (2) the Customer having an active UW student or employee ID number.
LEASE EXPIRATION / TERMINATION. If Customer does not renew the Lease as herein provided and the Lease expires, or if conditions of Customer’s use of locker space (item 7) are not met, this Lease shall automatically terminate and Customer shall forfeit use of the locker space. This Lease may also be terminated by UWTS for the breach of any of the items and conditions herein.
In the event of expiration or termination of the Lease. UWTS will take possession of any contents remaining within the locker space. Bicycles left within the locker space will be impounded per WAC 478-116-365. Bicycles will be released at specified times and upon presentation of proof of ownership and payment of a $10 fine. Bicycles unclaimed after sixty (60) consecutive days will be subject to sale at a public auction conducted by the University Surplus Property department. Any other property will be sent to the HUB to be treated and disposed of as Lost and Found property in accordance with UWTS’s rules and regulations regarding such property. Customer shall forfeit key deposit fee.
The remedies provided herein are in addition to, and are not in lieu of, any other rights which UWTS may have against Customer. In the event UWTS is required to bring any action or proceeding for the enforcement of this Lease or the collection of any sums which may be due and payable by Customer to UWTS, Customer agrees to pay UWTS, in addition to any balance due, UWTS’s expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. No modification or amendments of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties.
Key Deposit
Customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the key for the assigned locker, and understands that the key remains the property of the University of Washington. Customer agrees not to release it to unauthorized persons or use it in a manner other than that for which it was issued. Customer further agrees not to duplicate it.
Customer will take full responsibility for loss or damage of the key during the time it is assigned. Customer will forfeit the key deposit if the key is lost or damaged and must put down a new key deposit to obtain a replacement.
Customer understands that failure to return the key immediately upon termination of current status as an employee or student of the University of Washington or upon termination of the lease, whichever occurs first, will result in forfeiture of the key deposit.
Dial-A-Ride shuttle service user agreement
The University of Washington’s Dial-A-Ride program is committed to providing on-time, convenient and flexible rides for UW students, staff, faculty, and academic visitors with limited mobility.
By using the Dial-A-Ride service, passengers agree to adhere to the following:
REFERRALS: New riders are able to use Dial-A-Ride temporarily for four weeks based on self-referral. A referral must be obtained from the Disability Services office before the grace period has expired to prevent discontinuation of service. Disability Services can be reached at the following numbers in order to schedule an appointment for obtaining a referral:
SERVICE AREA AND TIMES: Dial-A-Ride hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Rides should be scheduled with enough advance time to arrive to appointments on time. Dial-A-Ride serves only official Dial-A-Ride stops located within the UW Seattle campus and University District. Dial-A-Ride does not provide rides to or from private homes or businesses.
RESERVATIONS: Rides must be requested no later than 3 p.m. the day before the desired trip. Scheduling for the following business day is completed daily by 3 p.m. Rides requested after 3 p.m. will not be processed until the following business day.
SAME DAY RIDE REQUESTS: Same day ride requests are on a first come first serve basis. Same day rides are not guaranteed and must be called into the office by phone to confirm availability. Rides are not guaranteed until confirmed via phone or email by the Program Coordinator.
SCHEDULING OF RIDES: All passengers who are registered with the service and have a NetID are asked to schedule rides online using the Dial-A-Ride Request form . Riders will be sent a confirmation for the following day’s trips. Riders may schedule individual rides with the Program Coordinator as needed.
DEPARTURES: Your confirmed pick up time represents the driver’s departure time. Passengers should be at the departure point five minutes prior to scheduled departure to allow sufficient boarding time. Drivers are not expected to wait past the departure time. Passengers are asked to call the Dial-A-Ride office if their transport is not present at their confirmed departure time.
NON-EMERGENT TRANSPORTATION: For the safety and well-being of our customers and drivers, Dial-A-Ride does not transport passengers in need of emergency care, who are visibly ill or being discharged from a medical facility.
ATTENDANTS AND SERVICE ANIMALS: Riders may have one personal care attendant. Riders must note this when scheduling a ride to avoid a trip denial. Classmates, personal friends or family members cannot be transported unless they are designated as an attendant. Service animals are allowed. Riders are responsible for their service animal’s behavior during transport.
FLAGGED RIDE REQUESTS: Dial-A-Ride is a screened service. Drivers will not take on riders without verification. Anyone flagging down drivers will be asked to contact the Shuttles office to schedule a ride.
PASSENGER ASSISTANCE: Drivers will not assist passengers in or out of vehicles at the pick-up or drop-off point. Drivers do not escort passengers to the door, open doors, or carry books or backpacks. Passengers are responsible for loading personal possessions such as backpacks, laptop computers, boxes, etc.
CHANGES TO RIDES: Passengers must notify the Dial-A-Ride office by phone to modify the pick-up or drop-off location of a ride. Dial-A-Ride drivers cannot call the office and relay ride location changes on behalf of passengers.
CANCELLATIONS: Passengers should notify the Dial-A-Ride office at least 30 minutes in advance to cancel a ride. Dial-A-Ride drivers will not call the office and relay ride cancellations on behalf of passengers. A ride not canceled at least one hour in advance will be recorded as a “no-show”.
NO-SHOW POLICY: If you are a “no show” for a ride, the driver will not pick you up for any subsequent rides scheduled for that day until you have called the Dial-A-Ride office and confirmed that you will need your other rides. In the event of a pattern of regular no-shows, the Program Coordinator will pause all rides pending resolution of the issue.
STANDING RIDE FORFEIT: If three rides in a quarter are designated as no-shows, all of your pre-scheduled rides (standing) will be paused pending resolution of the no show issues.
SEAT BELT POLICY: Passengers must wear a seat belt at all times while the vehicle is in motion. Drivers have the right not to transport a passenger should s/he refuse to wear a seat belt. Exception is given only to a passenger who possesses written verification from a licensed physician that s/he is unable to wear a safety belt for physical or medical reasons.
Respect other passengers’ privacy
Do not cause safety problems
Use headphones while listening to music or using the telephone
No drugs or alcoholic beverages
Do not harass driver or other riders
Respect Dial-A-Ride property
Anyone in violation of the above items may be asked to leave the DAR vehicle, and risk suspension of their privileges to use Dial-A-Ride services. We appreciate your help in abiding by these rules. We thank you for doing your part to “ride right”.
Service animals and pets policy on UW Shuttles
The following is UW Shuttle’s policy regarding Service Animals and Pets on all UW Shuttle Services:
Operators are required to permit any customer with a service animal to ride any of the UW shuttle services. This includes animals-in-training accompanied by a trainer or person with a disability.
Service animals must remain on the floor without blocking the aisle or on their owners lap. They must not occupy a seat.
If the service animals’ behavior threatens the safety of the driver or other passengers, the customer and their service animal may be asked to leave.
Operators may refuse to transport a person and their dog if it is creating a hazard or a disturbance.
Operators may refuse to transport a person and their dog if they already have another dog onboard.
All dogs that are not service animals must be on leash, with all above criteria met.
Note: Animals other than dogs are not allowed on the coach unless they are in a container or carrier.
Cargo policy on UW Shuttles
The following is UW Shuttle’s policy regarding transport of Cargo on all UW Shuttle Services:
Cargo will be considered safe for transport if the bag/item can be reasonably carried on the lap when seated or stowed safely under or between the seats.
Cargo with sharp or pointed ends are not allowed for transport. (E.g. skis, ski poles etc.)
Cargo must not protrude into the aisle, impinge on the space of another customer or restrict movement.
Customers are also limited only to items that can be boarded in a single trip onto the vehicle, without assistance from another person. Multiple trips to load bags, carts or cargo on or off the vehicle are not allowed.
No carry-on item can create a health or safety risk for other customers.
No carry-on item can take up seating space if needed by another customer for seating.
Construction parking policies
UW Transportation Services is responsible for managing and maintaining UW Seattle Campus’ parking facilities, and collecting fees for the use of services and facilities managed by Transportation Services. All fees are reviewed and approved by the UW Board of Regents. Construction fees are equal to the Faculty & Staff Weekday Daily Permit rate.
Fees apply to:
All University parking permits for construction related vehicles parking on campus.
All construction related uses of campus parking resources including laydown, storage, staging, portable temporary office, and support structures.
Fees do not apply to:
Stalls absorbed by the project and not returning to Transportation Services.
Laydown or job site footprint not located on a campus parking resource, such as lawns, walkways, and roadways.
Laydown space occupying load/unload stalls or university vehicle stalls.
Behind the fence parking permits.
For campus construction projects, only Project Delivery Group project managers and construction managers may request contractor parking permits or arrange for laydown space through the Transportation Services website using the Construction parking request form .
Planning between Transportation Services and Project Delivery Group regarding parking, laydown, and/or jobsite footprint should begin ninety (90) days prior to project start and/or mobilization. Direct all inquiries to .
Pre-scheduled activities such as material deliveries, trailer placement and removal, or crane picks that require temporary stall use should be requested and coordinated at least ten (10) business days prior to the activity.
Additional activities that require a large section or full closure of a parking lot/parking facility should be coordinated with Transportation Services with at least thirty (30) days’ notice to allow for proper messaging and signage.
A UW Worktag is required when submitting a request for permits or laydown space.
Transportation Services does not manage the use of building loading docks, roadways, or campus grounds. Please contact building coordinators and/or UW Grounds for permissions.
To minimize disruption, we have established the following guidelines with respect to contractor and construction parking:
Contractor employee parking is restricted to the following lots on a space-available basis: E01 , E12 , E18 , N18 , W24 , W28 .
Contractors shall advise employees not to park in neighboring residential areas.
Contractors shall limit the number of vehicle trips to the construction site by encouraging carpooling.