You do not need a UW parking permit to park in a loading zone or in a load/unload parking space, but please note that these are usually limited to 30 minutes. Citations will be issued to vehicles parked over these limits. “Truck Load Only” spaces are for vehicles with commercial license plates only.

Commercial drivers making deliveries or adults who need to escort children to a UW program may park for free on campus for up to 30 minutes in general parking spaces, as well as loading zones. Anyone staying longer than 30 minutes must pay the standard hourly or daily rate.

  • Commercial drivers in unmarked vehicles and adults escorting children must stop at a gatehouse first if they wish to park in a general parking space.
  • Commercial drivers arriving in an unmarked vehicle must have a UW purchase order, invoice, or bill of lading as proof of their business on campus.
  • Noncommercial drivers making deliveries must pay the standard 30-minute or hourly rate if they wish to park in a general parking space, rather than a loading zone.

Do not stop, stand or obstruct traffic or pedestrian movement on any street, plaza or sidewalk. Vehicles illegally parked on sidewalks, grounds or in roadways are subject to citation.

Taking Uber or Lyft? Please see our Ride hailing pickup map.

Permit type Rate
Commercial delivery

Individuals delivering goods to campus in an unmarked vehicle must present a UW purchase order, invoice or bill of lading at the gatehouse to receive this permit. Marked delivery vehicles do not need to stop for a permit.

No charge for 30 minutes complimentary
Child drop-off

Used when a parent or other responsible adult needs to escort a child to a UW program. Permit must be obtained at gatehouse before parking.

No charge for 30 minutes complimentary
Visitor daily permit

Weekdays, 6 a.m. - 4 p.m. $2.50 for up to 30 minutes. Purchased at gatehouse.

$5.00 hourly, $20.25 daily