UW campus map of all self-serve parking lots
Rates by map marker color:
Map marker Rate
map marker yellow star
$7.85 daily
purple map marker with crescent
$6.75 flat rate after 4 p.m. on weeknights or on Saturday
purple map marker with circle
$5.00 hourly, $20.25 daily, $6.75 flat rate after 4 p.m. on weeknights or on Saturday
light blue hexagon map marker
$5.00 hourly, $20.25 daily, $13.50 flat rate after 4 p.m. on weeknights or on Saturday until noon
magenta map marker with square symbol
$5.00 hourly, $20.25 daily
blue map marker with triangle
$5.00 hourly
green map marker with diamond symbol
$5.00 daily
pay by phone map marker
Pay by phone payment option available

Parking permits are required Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 7 a.m. until noon. Except when event rates are in effect, campus parking is complimentary in unrestricted lots and non-gated facilities from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. on weekdays, from noon on Saturdays until 6 a.m. on Monday and on University holidays. For more information visit the Visitor parking page.