Monday, July 1, 2024

UCAR has transitioned to a new reservation system for car reservations. As of July 1, 2024 all locations have been converted to the new reservation system and key managers. Rental rates are not affected by this transition.

Transition schedule and key manager locations

Please note: the key manager locations for E02, N22 and South Campus Garage have changed.

UCAR location Schedule Key manager location and status
E02 parking lot Opened: 4/16/2024 NEW: Key manager is now located at the Fleet services building.
Hours: M-F, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Status: Key manager is installed and operational. Location open.
UW Tower garage Opened: 4/15/24 Key manager is in the same location.
Status: Key manager is installed and operational. Location open.
Central Plaza Garage (C01) Opened: 4/15/24 Key manager is in the same location.
Status: Key manager is installed and operational. Location open.
N22 parking lot Opened: 4/16/24 NEW: Key manager is now located inside the HUB near the east entrance.
Hours: View the HUB hours.
Status: Key manager is installed and operational. Location open.
South Campus Center Opened: 7/1/24 NEW: Key manager is now located inside the South Campus Center.
Hours: View the South Campus Center hours.
Status: Key manager is installed and operational. Location open.

Using the new key management system

Along with the reservation system change, the key management kiosks function slightly differently. Each key management kiosk has a self-service touch screen where you use your NetID to authenticate. Once you’ve authenticated, the touch screen will guide you through opening the key manager box to get the key for your vehicle. When the box opens, you’ll take the key from the key manager box and find your vehicle in the lot or garage.

When you’re done with your rental, you’ll once again authenticate at the self-service touch screen using your NetID. A key manager box will open and you’ll put the keys back in the box and close it.

Note that you’ll need to pick up your rental and drop it off during the hours that the key manager is available for the UCAR location for your reservation. Most key manager boxes are moving to interior facilities and will no longer be available 24/7. See the transition schedule above for key manager kiosk access hours, which vary by location. There is no change to the key manager location at the UW Tower or Central Plaza Garage.