The University Transportation Committee (UTC) acts as expert counsel and a representative voice of the campus community on a wide variety of transportation issues. The UTC will advise the University administration regarding all modes of human transportation used for commuting and University business. The UTC shall also serve as a resource to other bodies, including the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) and the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW).
Specific areas of oversight include, but are not limited to, the policies, practices and fees associated with the campus parking system, U-PASS, shuttle operations and fleet services. If you have any questions about the UTC or policies, please contact
Public comment
Public comment must be submitted in writing 1 week in advance of the UTC meeting via email to
Upcoming meeting notice
The UTC typically meets the fourth Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (with varied dates in October, November & December)
Please see zoom connection information below.
Connection details for the February 26 UTC meeting
ZOOM meeting videoconference link:
Meeting ID: 934 7910 7227
Dial in option (use one of these phone numbers):
+1 206 337 9723
+1 253 215 8782
Note: you must download the ZOOM app in order to join the videoconference. If you do not already have ZOOM installed, you will receive a prompt to download the app when you click on the meeting link. If you prefer to participate by phone instead of by videoconference, dial one of the phone numbers above.
2023-2024 Meetings:
- 10/2/23
- 10/30/23
- 12/4/23
- 01/22/24
- 02/26/24
- 03/25/24
- 04/22/24
- 05/20/24
- 06/24/24
Related groups
- Universal Student U-PASS Advisory Board
- South Campus Transportation Committee
- Chair: Jason Lindahl