Speed. Obey all posted speed limits at all times. Obey all posted signage. Negligent riding is subject to citation.
E-bikes. Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes as defined by the Washington State Legislature are allowed anywhere that a regular bicycle is allowed. Always yield to slower-moving pedestrians and cyclists.
Right of way. Keep to the right. Always yield to slower-moving traffic, including pedestrians and other cyclists. Obey all traffic signals and all posted stop and yield signs, including on the Burke-Gilman Trail.
Passing. Bicyclists should typically keep to the right and pass on the left. Say “on your left” or ring a bell to warn the person you are passing. If you need to pass someone on the Burke-Gilman Trail, do so in single file.
Sidewalks. Bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks except where signs indicate otherwise, such as some sections of Stevens Way. Remember to ride where you can easily be seen by drivers and pedestrians. Drivers not expecting you on the sidewalk may overlook you as they approach a driveway or crosswalk.