Dial-A-Ride shuttles provide transportation to most locations around the Seattle campus for UW staff, students and faculty with mobility limitations. Visitors to the University on affiliated business may also qualify. Please contact UW Shuttles for eligibility information.
Health Sciences Express provides transportation between UW Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center with stops at Roosevelt Clinic and UW Tower.
NightRide provides a fare-free, safe and easy way for U-PASS members to get home at night with stops at UW Tower, Lander Hall, the IMA, and along Stevens Way.
UWMC/Fred Hutch South Lake Union Shuttle operates a route between UWMC and South Lake Union via Fred Hutch and a separate route between South Lake Union and Harborview with a stop at Benaroya Research Institute. This service is intended for the use of employees and visitors with business at the UW, Fred Hutch and Harborview.
Fred Hutch Cancer Center provides free shuttle service for patients and families between Fred Hutch Cancer Center – South Lake Union, UW Medical Center and their two housing facilities, Behnke Family House and Pete Gross House. Phone 206-667-5099 or visit the shuttle schedule at fredhutch.org for more information.
Schedules and route specific information
Safety protocols
Our top priority continues to be, as it has always been, for customers to have a safe and healthy riding experience. High-quality facemasks may be recommended or required for UW personnel on UW shuttles serving healthcare facilities per the UW Face Covering Policy. This is because these shuttles primarily serve as an extension of healthcare settings, serving patients and healthcare workers. Riders are to follow the mask signs posted at shuttle entries.