The U-PASS is a bus pass plus more. Loaded right onto the Husky Card, the U-PASS provides members with unlimited rides on regional buses, commuter trains, light rail and water taxis as well as full fare coverage on vanpools.
Most students on the Seattle campus are automatically U-PASS members. Effective July 1, 2022, all personnel paid by the University of Washington will be eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS. Students and employees not eligible for one of the standard U-PASS products may buy equivalent products from Transportation Services. Please see the UW Bothell or UW Tacoma sites for their separate U-PASS programs. Harborview employees should check their intranet or call 206-744-3254.
What the U-PASS covers
- Unlimited rides on King County Metro Transit, Community Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit, Everett Transit and Sound Transit, which includes regional buses, Link light rail and Sounder trains
- Full fare coverage on King County Water Taxis and Kitsap Fast Ferries
- Full fare coverage on Seattle Streetcar and Seattle Monorail
- Full fare coverage on regional paratransit services for eligible members
- Full fare coverage on King County Metro’s on-demand ride service Metro Flex.
Full fare coverage on vanpool and vanshare.
Unlimited rides on NightRide, the UW’s evening shuttle service
- Emergency Ride Home
The U-PASS does not cover travel on Washington State Ferries.
How to use your U-PASS
Your new U-PASS will be ready for use within 12 to 24 hours after fully-subsidized U-PASS eligibility, purchase of an opt-in U-PASS, or a week before the quarter starts. Students, please see the academic calendar for more specifics.
To use your U-PASS on a transit service, tap it on an ORCA card reader. These readers are found at the front of buses or mounted on a wall or pole at Link, Sounder or Swift stations. At RapidRide stations you have the option to tap on the ORCA reader at the station or on the bus as you enter. After tapping, wait for the green light to indicate your card was accepted.
On a bus, you tap the reader just once, when you board. For Sound Transit’s Link light rail and Sounder commuter trains, tap the reader once before entering the train for proof of payment.
It is important to protect your Husky Card and the U-PASS RFID chip from damage. We encourage you to follow these tips to protect your Husky Card and U-PASS:
- Do not bend your Husky Card.
- Do not punch a hole anywhere in your Husky Card.
- Keep your Husky Card in a protective holder. Scratches to the magnetic strip and RFID chip can damage your card. Accessories to protect your card can be purchased at the Husky Card Account & ID Center.
The U-PASS function on your Husky Card does not have “Electronic Purse” capabilities.
Terms of use
U-PASS members are expected to review the U-PASS terms of use.
Your U-PASS is for your personal transportation only. It is non-transferable, meaning you may not give or sell your Husky Card or your U-PASS to any other person. Bus drivers and fare inspectors can confiscate a Husky Card that does not belong to you.
All U-PASS members are bound by the U-PASS policy as stated in Administrative Policy Statement 53.4. Misuse of the U-PASS is subject to sanctions and may subject the parties to possible action under the General Conduct Code (Chapter 478–124 WAC) or the Student Conduct Code (Chapter 478–121 WAC).